Leaders Network Community Meeting
COPA attended this virtual meeting comprised of faith and community leaders that work together to organize, strategize, and mobilize to improve the quality of life for the west side communities.
Public Meeting of the Police Board
The Police Board holds a regular public meeting once a month. The Superintendent of Police (or his designee) and the Chief Administrator of the Civilian Office of Police Accountability (or …
GAP Builders Town Hall
COPA Chief Andrea Kersten will join local elected officials, CPD leadership, and other local stakeholders to:
Gain a better understanding and receive updates about Chicago’s Consent Decree;
Learn more about the function of COPA;
Discuss anti-violence strategies; and
Hear from the community about its safety concerns.
This event hosted by the West Side Community Stakeholders' subcommittee, GAP Builders will be held at Breakthrough Ministries (3219 W. Carroll Avenue, Chicago, IL 60624).
City of Chicago Community Safety Youth Town Hall
COPA will attend this resource fair and youth town hall to inform residents of Chicago about the agency role in police accountability. Residents specifically youth will also have an opportunity to hear from other city leaders and city departments to learn more about the city's effort to reduce violence and help make our neighborhoods safer.
Mikva Challenge Youth Community Safety & Justice University 2022
COPA will participate in Mikva Challenge Juvenile Justice Council & Youth Safety Advisory Council that will offer interactive workshops and give young people the opportunity to share their ideas about policing and public policy.
Junior Achievement of Chicago Career Day at Addison Trail High School
Junior Achievement of Chicago is hosting several Career Days to help high school students make informed, intelligent decisions about their future, and foster skills that will be highly useful in the business world. Staff from COPA will participate in this Career Day to help students understand the role of COPA, the importance of police oversight, discuss ways youth can improve positive interactions with law enforcement and explain career paths.
Mikva Challenge Youth Community Safety & Justice University 2022
Chief Andrea Kersten participated in Mikva Challenge Community Safety & Justice University Youth Panel where she spoke about COPA’s role in police accountability and listened to young people share ideas about policing, public policy and re-imagining public safety.
Leaders Network Community Meeting
COPA attended this meeting comprised of faith and community leaders that work together to organize, strategize, and mobilize to improve the quality of life for the west side communities.
Nobel Neighbors Community Meeting
COPA will attend the Nobel Neighbors Community Meeting in Humboldt Park and explain the agency role in police oversight.
Public Meeting of the Police Board
The Police Board holds a regular public meeting once a month. The Superintendent of Police (or his designee) and the Chief Administrator of the Civilian Office of Police Accountability (or her designee) will be at the meetings. Members of the public are invited to attend and are welcome to address questions or comments to the Board. Prior …