Our Commitment to Accessibility 

COPA is dedicated to ensuring everyone can access our information and services, regardless of ability. We believe in treating all individuals with dignity and respect and are committed to removing barriers that may prevent anyone from fully participating in our processes. 

Accessibility for People with Disabilities 

We strive to create an inclusive environment for people with disabilities. This includes: 

  • Non-Discrimination: We do not discriminate against qualified individuals with disabilities in our hiring, employment practices, investigations or activities. 
  • Accessible Complaint Process: We are committed to making our complaint filing and investigative processes accessible to everyone. We will provide reasonable accommodations based on an individual’s disability, language needs, or incarceration status. 
  • Effective Communication: We offer a range of aids and services to ensure effective communication for people with disabilities. This may include sign language interpreters, captioning, assistive listening devices, and documents in alternative formats like Braille or large print. 
  • Staff Training: Our staff receives training on disability awareness, reasonable accommodations, and assistive technology. 
  • Collaboration with Experts: We work closely with the Mayor’s Office for People with Disabilities (MOPD) and other resources to ensure we are meeting the needs of our community. 

Accessibility for Individuals with Language Needs 

We recognize that language can be a barrier to access. We are committed to providing assistance as needed. This may include translation services or working with community partners to ensure effective communication. 

Accessibility for Incarcerated Individuals 

We understand the incarcerated individuals may face unique challenges in accessing our services. We will work with the attorneys of record and correctional facilities to facilitate interviews and investigations. 

Website Accessibility 

We are continuously working to improve the accessibility of our website. We follow accessibility guidelines to make our content easier to use for everyone, including people with disabilities. 

How to Request Assistance 

If you are having trouble accessing information on our website or need assistance with our services, please contact us at COPA-Equity@ChicagoCOPA.org or visit our help page. Please describe the accessibility issues you are experiencing and provide the web address of the relevant material. 

We are committed to ongoing improvement and welcome your feedback on how we can make our services more accessible to everyone. 

Additional resources can be found through the City of Chicago’s Mayor’s Office for People with Disabilities.