COPA had a great time engaging the residents of Chicago in the community during the week of 03.03.25. Our office is committed to helping residents understand how to file a complaint or compliment an officer and explain to the public our role in police oversight. Below is a brief description of our most recent community engagement efforts. If you are interested in COPA speaking to your community group or organization, please submit a request via email to


Network 9 Chief’s State of the School Address & Resource Fair – March 5, 2025
COPA had a great time attending the Chicago Public School’s Network 9 Chief’s State of the School Address & Resource fair at Dyett High School. The fair included several local community organizations giving our information on programming and resources. COPA was able to set up a resource table and give out information on how to file complaints and compliments towards CPD.


Westside Ministers’ Coalition Monthly Meeting – March 6, 2025
COPA was in Austin at the monthly Westside Ministers Coalition community meeting. One of the primary purposes of the meeting is to tackle various social issues & discuss ways attendees can bring about a positive change throughout the city. This meeting included a presentation from the Office of Emergency Management and Communication on emergency preparedness.  COPA attends these meetings to give out information on our role in police accountability and how to file compliments & complaints towards CPD.

Intrinsic Schools Networking Night – March 6, 2025

COPA had a great time attending the Intrinsic Networking Night at their Belmont Cragin campus. COPA was able to connect with young minds and discuss career opportunities in public safety and police accountability. Young people were able to learn about our role in police oversight, it was a powerful opportunity to inspire and empower young people.

Teen Opportunities Fair at Malcolm X College – March 8, 2025

COPA had a great time attending the Chicago Park Districts Teen Opportunity Fair at Malcolm X College. This fair gives young people the opportunity to apply for jobs on site while exploring various programs and resources. COPA was able to set up a resource table and give out information on our agency and police accountability.

Chicago Scholars Career Roundtable – March 8, 2025

COPA had a great time attending the Chicago Scholars Career RoundTable in the loop. Program participants were able to learn about various careers and ask questions from the panelists about their career paths. COPA’s Public Affairs team was giving out information about our role in police oversight and career in law & public safety.